• Brass-Tacks
  • Agency Approp. Bill Breakdown - HB 1018 (Commerce)

    Agency Approp. Bill Breakdown - HB 1018 (Commerce)

    The North Dakota Department of Commerce and GNDC have a lot in common. Like us, they work to improve the quality of life for North Dakota citizens by leading efforts to attract, retain, and expand wealth. We believe that businesses are the generators of wealth so are our focus remains on business while Commerce has a wider swath of constituents including businesses, communities/governments, citizens, visitors, underserved populations, etc. Their delivery of services is specific to programs, grants, partnerships, and initiatives. The main benefactors of this agency’s work are those who live, work, do business and play in North Dakota – or want to, someday. Those “in the know” can think of a time or two that Commerce’s bill has been referred to as the Velcro-bill. It is a good place to “stick” things because their mission is broad.

    We’ve previously broken-down DOT, and the childcare aspect of Dept of Health and Human Services.
    BILL BREAKDOWN: Dept of Commerce
    Cabinet Agency with targeted divisions: Community Services, Economic Development and Finance, Tourism, and Workforce.
    Here’s the down and dirty of HB 1018. This is specific to the issues that GNDC is supporting – we understand that the other divisions are vital to specific audiences and sects of business but we are looking at the business pieces in workforce and economic development. 

    GNDC has a strong relationship with Commerce and we appreciate the collaboration to serve our members.