• Policy Positions: Where We Stand 

  • The Greater North Dakota Chamber has put forth its Policy Position Publication in time to dictate our organization's agenda for the 69th Legislative Assembly. These goals and objectives are based on input from members who are continually striving to improve our state’s business environment through public policy.

    Our policy development work is refined from issue identification, research and education, analysis, and discussion by our policy committees. GNDC with its board of directors determined three key areas of concern - business climate, workforce, and infrastructure. Committees specific to these areas were developed from interested members. 

    The goal of our publication is to showcase our policy positions that strengthen the industrial and economic development in our state and further the free enterprise system in North Dakota. We have developed goals and objectives, from member concerns with member input, to educate lawmakers and inform the public on the policy priorities that matter to business. 


  • Action Alerts

    As a member, you may receive legislative alerts that notify you of opportunities to share your input with your legislators directly. Your engagement with your representatives, combined with our influence in Bismarck, is a successful approach to making North Dakota more business-friendly.