• Brass-Tacks
  • Legislative Update, Week 5

    Legislative Update, Week 5

    Rounding out the first month, we start week 5. Bills are all in – some late comers may still show up but we can settle in to grind out the work.

    Some themes are becoming apparent. Aside from the culture bills, we are seeing legislation related to CO2, healthcare mandates, foreign ownership, voting/elections, prop tax, and workforce-related issues including childcare and housing. GNDC is on the hunt – looking for the core business issue impacts.  
    Bill count: 1069 (+110 from last session at this time)
    Senate count: 421 (+15)
    House count: 648 (+95)
    GNDC tracking: 201 (+29)
    Days left in the session: 62
    Health Insurance Mandates: check out our previous post to see this onslaught that we oppose

    • OPPOSE (all of them)
    • These will put increases on current plans that range from .5%-9%
    • DID YOU KNOW: No health insurance mandate that has been passed has EVER come off the books further bloating costs to employers 
    SB 2282: Income Tax Credit for Employer Childcare
    • Provide a 30% tax credit for employers who contribute to childcare costs, helping businesses invest in their workforce while easing financial burdens for employees.
    • Champion flexible incentive options that empower businesses to create meaningful benefits tailored to their employees' needs and organizational goals. 
    SB 2225: Housing for Opportunity, Mobility, & Empowerment (HOME) program
    • Establish a $50M grant program within ND Dept of Commerce for political subdivisions to build infrastructure necessary to establish affordable, market-rate housing. 
    SB 2239: Apprenticeship Grant Program
    • Establish $1.1M grant program to increase access for a variety of individuals. Funding would assist individuals with apprenticeship start-up costs that can be high or a barrier.  
    HB 1571: Renege Tax Exemption for Bioscience
    • OPPOSE
    • Would remove the established tax exemption for bioscience industry
    • This tax incentive was established in the 2023 legislative session and has a sunset of 2029.  By repealing prematurely, it sends a message of an unstable policy environment to current or future ND businesses. 
    SB 2206: Motor Carrier Litigation Reform
    • Support comprehensive reforms to create a fair and balanced legal environment, including reducing the timeframe for legal action against motor carriers, establishing a $500,000 cap on civil actions for injury, death, or loss, and allowing seat belt usage to be considered in cases. 

    INSIDER’S PEEK: Check out a snippet from GNDC Member Applied Digital Corporation Testimony in support of SB 2225 (HOME Program):
    “When identifying potential facility locations, we prioritize engaging with local individuals and government to understand community needs, including housing, amenities, services, and quality-of-life factors. Affordable housing is particularly critical for supporting workforce growth and sustainable community development. We strive to align our contributions—whether through donations, volunteerism, or other initiatives—with locally identified priorities. By reducing infrastructure costs and supporting housing affordability, this legislation encourages investment and ensures mutual growth.”

    Here’s an update on action from bills that we’ve previously mentioned.
    > SB 2181 (WSI include PTSD): Defeated
    > HB 1258 (Energy Transmission Siting): Passed
    > HB 1220 (Accelerated Degree for High-Demand Occupations): Passed
    > HCR 3003 (Constitutional Amendment Threshold Increase): Passed