• Brass-Tacks
  • Red Tape Reduction collaboration with ND Governor Office

    Regulation and red tape is impacting business - weigh in from your business perspective now

    Given results of GNDC's recent Economic and Employer Member Survey, GNDC stands in full support of minimizing regulation to ensure business can succeed. 

    Public input is now being accepted for the second round of Gov. Doug Burgum’s Red Tape Reduction initiative aimed at eliminating unnecessary and outdated regulations, rules, policies and procedures to make government more efficient and effective and help lower costs for taxpayers, Lt. Gov. Tammy Miller announced. Red Tape Reduction 2.0 (RTR 2.0) will continue this momentum by focusing on greater business and citizen engagement. Additionally, five state agencies will pilot an effort to obtain feedback immediately following the delivery of services by the pilot group agencies, Miller announced during today’s Greater North Dakota Chamber Policy Summit in Bismarck. A survey through GNDC’s Dakota Digest was also made available to GNDC members seeking input to reduce red tape.
    GNDC is currently gathering this feedback from ND businesses. We will compile issues and suggestions and present to the Governor's Office.

    If you are interested in weighing in, face to face - we plan to hold a roundtable discussion to those interested in a conversation. Email Andrea [andrea@ndchamber.com] to share your interest.

    We received a question from a member: - "Do you send contact info of the form submitters to the government agencies? I don’t mind you seeing my name with my reply, but I don’t know yet if I want the state agencies to have that."
    Answer: Heck no! We are compiling the info on behalf of the business community. Let us take your thoughts, both problems and solutions, compiled to the Governor's Office. We created our own intake form so you could lay things out and not worry about any ramifications.

    If you want to include your name, we may reach out for clarity questions and a potential listening session but you'll be contacted by our team.

    This is an opportunity for business to lead the solutions based on their own experiences. We'll take it from here.