CEO Roundtable- March 2020, Technology Impacts
This event, held in partnership with TechND, will focus on Technology Impacts. Businesses today are being shaped by their use and integration of technology. Every industry needs to adapt to technology advances and with that also be cognizant of changes in the landscape - whether it be innovations for improvement or security and safety.
Held four times a year, the CEO Roundtable events bring CEOs with other c-suite execs, presidents, business owners, and other company leaders together for an invigorating exchange of information, ideas and insights. These networking and educational events feature subject matter experts on topics that are impacting our members.
AGENDA10:00 AM: Welcome
10:20 AM: Connectivity Panel
This panel will discuss the ongoing efforts to increase connectivity and broadband access throughout the state, despite rural or urban locations.Justin Forde, Senior Director of Government Relations, Midco
Todd Domres, Director of Sales and Business Development, Dakota Carrier Network
Cheryl Riley, President - Northern Plains, AT&T
Session keywords: 5G, connectivity, networks, impacting industries, speed, rural, remote, network buildout, spectrum, small cell
11:05 AM: Finance Discussion
This discussion will focus on current trends and threats that the banking/finance industry is seeing. They will provide insight on their organization's efforts and also provide information or potential impacts to attendees to help ensure other organizations are protected.Jeremy Neuharth, Co-Founder, Sycorr
Kelvin Hullet, Market Manager, Bank of North Dakota
Session keywords: cyber security, data privacy, breach, small cells, smart cities, Internet of Things (IoT)
11:45 AM: Lunch
12:45 PM: Agriculture Industry
Agriculture remains one of North Dakota's top industries and technology has begun to influence basic operations. Presenters will discuss these advances that will continue to impact ag production and value-added agriculture products. Presenters will provide information on their organization, their vision for the future, and the importance of relationships with other industries.Jake Joraanstad, CEO, Bushel
Dr. Paul Gunderson, Founder, Dakota Precision Ag Center and Farm Owner
Session keywords: automation, data collection, decision making, applications, drones, UAS, self-driving tractors
1:15 PM: Health Care Industry
This discussion will focus on the changing trends that health care systems, insurance companies, businesses, and consumers are adapting to within the health care industry. Beyond organizational efforts, attendees will learn about impacts on their businesses and industries.Jerry Wynne, Vice President of Security, Blue Cross Blue Shield of North Dakota
Al Hurley, Chief Operating Officer, Essentia Health
Session keywords: technology platforms, cyber security, telemedicine, telehealth, public safety/first responders, virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR), robotics, advances in medicine
1:45 PM: Networking Break
2:00 PM: Workforce Discussion
Workforce remains one of the most important challenges to business success and growth in North Dakota. This panel will discuss current or upcoming efforts that are available to the current and future workforce. Models presented will be on training and further skill development that are needed to meet the ongoing demands.Greg Tehven, Executive Director, Emerging Prairie: Emerging Digital Academy/Grand Farm
Melana Howe, Resource Development and Corporate Liaison, Lake Region State College
Session keywords: coding, apprenticeships, upskilling, non-traditional, automation, autonomous vehicles, drones, mobile gaming, virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR), industrial Internet of Things (IoT), remote machine monitoring, robotics, 21st century skills
2:45 PM: Closing Comments
2:50 PM: Optional Tour of Midco Data CenterCEO Roundtable- March 2020, Technolog...Date and Time
Wednesday Mar 11, 2020
10:00 AM - 3:00 PM CDTLocation
50 22nd St. East
West Fargo, NDContact Information
Chris Kalash
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